So I put off watching Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. I saw who they were casting and this overwhelming feeling of “who the F is that?” washed over me. Plus I had heard that Khia was in talks to be cast on it. Shoot, if Khia was on this show, I’d be watching this show in a heartbeat! I went ahead and watched it anyway, as I heard that it was ratchet as hell. Since Basketball Wives is on break, I need some hood shit to tide me over.
I guess I should have remembered that when I started watching Love and Hip Hop, I initially was clueless to the identity of like 80% of the cast. Olivia was the one who stood out, as I remembered her 2.5 hits. I grew to love those women and their stories, so I guess letting in these ATLiens into my heart shouldn’t be that much of a stretch
Mimi & Stevie J: Stevie J is a name that I heard before. I’m not sure how, but apparently he has been Mariah adjacent, so he is good in my book. His wife Mimi is the polar opposite to Chrissy. She puts up with his trifling ass ways and seems to let him get away with a smile. The ninja bought her a house in the country for her and their daughter. He went out of his way to make it known that it was for them and not him. That screams: I’m shipping your ass away so I can bang bang bang and then skeet skeet skeet.
Erica: she is REAL southern in the way she speaks. She apparently is Lil’ Scrappy’s baby’s mother. Her cheated on her when he blew up and she took his ass back when the other chick cheated on him. She has a really nice smile, but I think this broad is silly as hell for putting up with Lil Scrappy
Lil Scrappy: I still can’t put my finger on any of the songs he has been on. Maybe he’s big in the trap?
K. Michelle: We meet her and she is screaming a song. She lets us know that she likes to rock out with her cock out. She is giving me a whole LOT of Keyshia Cole fever. I actually think he voice is a bit more controlled and refined compared to Keyshia. Apparently she was dating some guy at her label, Jive and he beat her and jacked up her career.
Ariane: Mimi’s girl. I like her. She is trying to knock some sense into her girl’s silly ass. At one point she asks if it’s the dick that keeps Mimi around. Haha. Klass Act.
Joseline: I’ll be honest, when I saw the promo pictures I really thought this girl was transgendered. She kind of reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s ex, Nicole. She does her interviews in this swimsuit type thing and all I Can look can look at are her massive village feeders. She really looks like a busted ass RIhanna and it’s clear that Stevie J and her have something from the jump. Then she goes on talking about the sex and how he “fucks her brain” Umm, girl ok?
Mama Dee: NYC cast had Mama Jones, this cast has Mama Dee. She seems a bit more composed, but she quickly shows her ass. She has her own catch phrase, IN THAT ORDER!! She says it often, even when it doesn’t make any damned sense. I guess branding is important. Apparently she was a pimp. No, like she literally was pimping. The hell?
The characters of course all run in the same circle and end up at K Michelle’s party where one of the guests lets Mimi know that Joseline holds her man Stevie J DOWN! Oop! Mimi is about to pop off, but then she just sits there like a silly ho. There is more screaming, yelling and drank throwing.
Question: Why would Stevie J allow his affair to be shown on camera like that? Doesn’t that look horrible professionally? Also I don’t think Mariah would endorse such foolery. Oh and beyond that, he has a child, that is not growing up in a bubble and is sure to catch wind of her fucked up family life being discussed all over the internet. That is messed up. With that being said, I will probably watch as I saw a preview for the season where someone shakes the table. K Michelle says something like “don’t shake unless you ready to get shook!” There is a pregnancy scare and the guys start scapping. I feel bad watching this train wreck, but at least I’m not selling drugs. It could be worse. Leave me alone.