Ok, so I’m a bit embarrassed that I have never read The Great Gatsby. I like to fancy myself as cultured and shit, so one would naturally assume that I would be familiar with the story. You know that when you assume something you typically fuck it up. That’s not how the saying goes, but this is my blog so I do what I want.
Anyway, I am stoked for the movie after seeing the trailer. When I saw the lineup for the soundtrack I got a musical boner. Beyonce covering Amy Winehouse?! Emeli covering Beyonce?! A New Jay Z song? Just typing that made my heart skip; thank God I am sitting as I type this. I’ve got to live with the soundtrack for the better part of this morning and here is a quick rundown
100 $ Bill- Jay Z: The production kind of has a “Watch the Throne” vibe to it. There is a screwed sampl e on it which Jay and Bey seem to love these days. I like the song. Jay’s delivery is aggressive and has some great one liners.
Back to Black- Beyonce and Andre 3000: This is one of my all time favourite Amy WInehouse songs. I like to sit at home, drink wine with the lights off and sing along while thinking of past loves. Wait, that might have been too much info… Anyway, the song starts out with Andre half singing/talking over a sparse, pulsating beat. He actually does cool things with his delivery. Beyonce comes up next. She sings her part in a slinky fashion that one might not expect given her powerhouse vocals. I like it though, as sometimes restraint can show one’s talent just as much as screaming and doing a bunch of runs. Yes, I am talking to you, Xtina.
Bang Bang- will.i.am Leave it to Will to mash up some 20’s sounding music with his robo/fist pump sound that he has been loving as of late. I don’t know who the girl on the hook is, but she sounds like a discount version of Fergie. Hell, it might even be Fergie. The song, like most of his other works gets stuck in my head and I hate to enjoy it as much as I want. Apparently the song borrows HEAVILY from another song, Epic.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody-Fergie, Q Tip, Goon Rock: This is a VERY LMFAO type track. Lyrically there isn’t much to it but Fergie repeating the song title. She sounds like she’s stuffed up and talking on a prison phone (not that I know firsthand) but the effect helps give the song an oldtime feel to it. Q Tip’s rap is forgettable. No, I literally forgot any comments I had about it. Oh well. I’m glad to have Fergie back.
Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey: This song is beautiful and she’s her characteristically eerie sounding self. The track is dramatic and fits her voice perfectly. It will haunt you for at least 48 seconds after it ends.
Love is the Drug-Brian Ferry and his orchestra: This song sounds like what I would expect for the soundtrack in a movie like The Great Gatsby. Not bad, but not something that I would probably want to listen to many times.
Over the Love-Florence + The Machine : Ok, so now it’s Flo’s turn to give her very own dramatic and haunting song. I think lyrically, her song is stronger than Lana’s, but that’s just my opinion. Her voice is stellar on this song.
Where the Wind Blows- Coco O. of Quadron: I’m not sure who Coco O. or what a Quadron is, but she has an interesting voice. It has a nasal, Amy WInehouse quality to it. She doesn’t sound like she hits the Jack and Marlboros nearly as much as Amy did. (Rest her soul) I haven’t decided whether the pounding on the piano that serves as bulk of the track is fun and bouncy or just fucking annoying.
Crazy in Love-Emeli Sande: OH YES SHE DID. Ballsy. I like her very much as an artist and I’m glad to see her getting shine. Her voice sounds good, but I really don’t get the same level of crazy that I get when Beyonce sings it. Fun remix that makes me want to do the Charleston. Note to self: Learn how to do the Charleston.
Together- The xx: Pretty track, I just wished the vocals weren’t so muddled. I have no idea what he is saying and I feel like an old grandma. “what?! What’s he saying?! Turn up the radio!!” If what he is saying is anything like what the girl says that I’m guessing it’s chock full of raw emotion cunty dramacality.
Hearts a Mess-Gotye: Very cool track that is VERY Gotye. If you like him you’ll like the song. If you don’ t like him then you’re not cool in the least.
Love is Blindness-Jack White: This man is hella talented. Allegedly. I don’t know as I didn’t really follow him that closely when he was a White Stripe and followed even less closely when he struck out solo. People seem to love him. I really do enjoy this track. His vocals and screaming really take the song over the top (in a good way) who knew that someone so sickly looking could have such a big voice?
Into the Past-Nero: I’m not a huge fan of this song. It feels a bit overproduced for my liking.
Kill and Run-Sia: It’s just Sia and a piano on this. Of course she comes with good lyrics and her signature vocals. Oh wait, I lied. Some sweeping strings have come in and have now propelled this song to even new heights of dramacality. I imagine Pink flying above the audience while singing a song like this.
I think overall the soundtrack is solid. I’m curious to see how all of these songs fit into the movie. If I’m not mistaken Jay Z produced this. His choice of artists shows that he knows some things. He could have done what people would expect from him, but he didn’t and it ends up working well for him. Now can he PLEASE tell wifey to drop that album before I have to raise my voice?! Kidding. I would never raise my voice to Beyonce as I fear the wrath of Solange and Mama Tina. Furthermore, you and I BOTH know Jay can’t tell Bey a DAMN thing. Who run the world?! Not you Jay. :(