I don’t know if people know this but I am a HARDCORE Lamb. I think Mariah No Middlename Carey, is one of the greatest vocalists ever. Not only does she have the pipes, but she understands technique. Her lyrics range from fun and sometimes childish, to profound. With that being said, I think that she has kind of been coasting since Emancipation of Mimi. She had E=MC2 which was good, but didn’t see the same success. Many think that’s why she went to The Dream for her next album, “Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel” That album actually did even worse. I mean, when I say “worse, I’m saying she didn’t go platinum in America. Her life could be worse: she could have sales like Ciara…
So what’s a diva of a certain age to do when she wants to remind the world that she is still more than just an over the top personality and capable of selling albums? Well first, she goes back to Jermaine Dupri who was crucial to Emancipation of Mimi. Then she enlists all of the hottest producers of the moment. (Mike Will Made It, Hit Boy, Rodney Jerkins etc) After medical issues and SEVERAL pushbacks, it seems as if Ms. Carey is ready to show us what she’s made of….
Cry: Mariah start us out with a big, dramatic, and soulful piano driven ballad. It’s not a shocker, but this song deals with a relationship gone wrong. The first verse shows Mariah staying a bit more reserved vocally. Verse two sees her start in with her trademark vocals. She manages to blend her whisper register that she’s been o fond of as of late with her soaring vocals. If anything, this song songs very “Old Mariah”/”New Ariana Grande”
Faded: Mike Will Apparently made it. How did I know this? Well he announced it within the first 5 seconds. The track has his trademark knocking bass but still manages to be sexy at the same time. Mariah isn’t overshadowed by such big production, which can be a challenge and her voice actually sounds strong and clear.
Dedicated: This song starts out with Mariah and some dude talking about the summer of ’88. The conversation seems a bit superfluous, but given the throwback vibe of this it actually makes sense. Apparently Mariah isn’t ridiculous without purpose. (Well not all the time) This song proves that Mariah is just as capable as Mary as doing a hip hop/soul joint. You know she has street cred. I mean, this woman went back like babies and pacifiers with the late ODB.
#Beautiul: The single that came out forever again and featured Miguel. I always loved the breezy nature of the song. I even got over the fact that takes awhile to actually sing a verse on it. This version does sound slightly different than the single. Maybe a bit faster? Also, “fucking beautiful” just seems to be a bit over the top and unnecessary.
Thirsty: To be honest, I didn’t like the song when I first heard it. I put it on the level of “Obsessed” which I didn’t love on first listen. IT sounds like “Niggas in Paris” as it’s by the same producer, Hit Boy. I thought she was competing with the track, but when I gave it a few listens I didn’t feel that way. I love her word play with the whole “thirsty for cel-eb-ir-it- TEA” Get it? I actually like the version without the rap. Her ad libs and runs are actually pretty ridiculous. I guess Hit Boy has proven me wrong again as I had the same feeling of “the hell?!” upon first listen of Beyonce’s “Bow Down”
Make it Look Good: So the track sounds very old school. Like almost 1960’s throwback but TURNT up. The lyrics are rapid fire and the song has some pretty dope harmonies.
You’re Mind (Eternal): This was supposed to be the single to kick off the new album. That didn’t happen. It sounds very Emancipation of Mimi era. That’s not a bad thing at all. I just never felt much when I listened to it. Upon hearing it with good headphones, I can appreciate the production. I used to dislike the staccato used throughout the song, but it’s grown on me and made it a bit catchier for me, actually.
You Don’t Know What to Do: This takes me to an “I Will Survive” state of mind as it starts out slow and dramatic and builds to a bouncing, fun beat that BEGS a roller rink DJ to play it on repeat. At the point, anyone who knows me that I LOVE a fun breakup song. The Wale feature works well and feels effortless.
Supernatural: Not to be outdone by Blue Ivy Carter, Mariah puts Dem Babies to work on the track. They can be heard cooing throughout, but my whole thing is like, aren’t they old enough to be doing vocal runs? I mean, they are Mariah’s (and maybe Nick’s?) children, so I wanted them to come out wig snatching and showing off their whistle registers. This is a pretty love song. To make up for her vocally stunted children, Mariah does a serious of vocal runs. Ok, I spoke to soon. This child just did a vocal run. I was kidding about my earlier disappointment. Then Monroe says she’s a chanteuse? I couldn’t help but smile.
Meteorite: She starts out quoting Warhol with regards to 15 minute of fame. I’m guessing she’s shading someone, but I can’t figure out who. That woman is just so freaking good at throwing shade. This is an up tempo, disco-y track that I’m guessing is supposed to be inspirational, but it’s not resonating with me, so I keep on tuning in and out. I like that she says “Turn up all the way” as that helps keep her current. The kids are all about turning up these days.
Camouflage: a breathy, piano backed, ballad about camouflaging her tears. She dusts off some of her old faves: black choirs, key changes and whistle notes. It actually save a song that could easily become boring fast.
One More Try: She done took us to church, y’all. You know she was going to get her money’s worth with that black choir. I forgot that Mariah love to do covers and it took me a good minute to realize that this is a cover of George Michael’s song. I actually like what she did with this. Even though I love “Bringing on the Heartbreak” this song feel a bit more suited for her.
Heavenly: Still in church. I don’t really love this song. It feels the feel good anthem from a movie soundtrack.
Me. I am Mariah…The Elusive Chanteuse: This was released when she announced the album and artwork. It seemed hella ridiculous as it’s her talking but it’s filled with ad libs. Hearing it on the album helps it make a LITTLE more sense, but it’s still over the top/So Mariah.
Ok, so I will be honest: I thought this album had train wreck potential. I mean, a 44 year old woman dropping a single with a hip hop beat featuring a rapper seemed a bit scary. I mean, who does she think she is, JENNIFER LOPEZ? Haha All shade aside, even J Lo comes off a bit desperate at times with her music choices. Staying relevant in this age where people have little to no respect for pioneers and talented people in general can be a challenge. Mariah and JD have figured out how to have her sound 2014 while keeping her true to her sound. Mimi and her talents are able to shine instead of being a simple afterthought to the beat.
I think Mariah’s voice is sounding the best that it has in awhile and she is really showcasing her ability to deal with an instrument that is aging. Sure she doesn’t sound identical to Dreamlover Mariah, but that’ to be expected. I’ve actually come to like the smokier sound to her voice. She’s more dependent upon her lower registers than ever before, but she is still able to transitional effortlessly between them. Plus no pop singer out right now has mastered the whistle register the way she has.
I’m hoping that with this album she will be a little less “elusive” It’s time for people to talk about more than her fabulously bedazzled arm slings and penchant for champagne on early morning talk shows. The album is solid so now it’s in the hands of her promo team. If the grind of her Photoshop specialist is any indicator of how hard her team works, I think she will be just fine.
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