Monday, December 12, 2011

Lessons in Cunty Dramacality

so without owning a tv, I have to be very selective in what shows I watch. I don't watch X Factor as I think it'd be annoying as hell to keep up with and impossible to not have it ruined by people on Facebook. I will say that I saw part of an episode and thought that it was a pretty cool concept. I do loves me some Nicole Scherzinger and I'm always just sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Paula to stumble into some crazy ass comment that would surely make my day.

Anyway, so last week I saw people online basically cursing the day Nicole was born. She has received a whole lot of backlash over a voting decision that ultimately sent Rachel Crow home. I really don't give a flying fuck about the votes and blah blah blah. What I do care about is the video that resulted. I mean honestly! This, right here... THis right HERE is a lesson in cunty dramacality. I know neither of those words really exist, but I don't think that words in existence can give justice to the red level amounts of raw emotion in this clip.

1.) We have an adorable pre teen (I think? I didn't feel like Googling it to verify) whose dream may/may not be crushed

2.) We have Nicole giving a long ass speech as to why she voted the way she did. The whole time she is fighting tears and boos

3.) We have a collapse on stage (she straight up gave me black woman at a funeral fever with that one) The other contestant tries to help but is pushed away by the host.

4.) We have a mother comforting her crying child on stage while she blubbers 'You promised!'

5.) We still have Nicole crying. This time Paula throws herself over Nicole in an act of one upsmanship.

6.) We have the girl giving an Evita-esque exit speech after her dramatic montage is played.

Well played Simon and friends. I think I am hooked from here on out.

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