Thursday, November 6, 2008

Throwback Joint: Shake Ya Body

The other day I was watching the Tyra show and it made me think "When did Tyra become a real talk show host?" I thought that shit woulda been canceled with a quickness, but I guess she proved me wrong. I then thought of cycle 2, when she got all emotional and was talking about wanting to pursue her dream of being a singer. She made her girls dance and shake it in the video (now if that ain't a pimp, I don't know what is..) and it was probably only seen by a couple hundred people. Poor Darkchild is probably pissed her wasted that beat. Now, Tyra just makes fun of her singing skills (or lack thereof) and pretends like this never happened:

Oh, but it did. And is it wrong, that I don't hate it?

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