so I'm not one to discuss politics. It's not that I'm super uniformed, it's just that when I was a young child, my mom told me never to discuss money, politics or religion. OK, that was a lie. I think I learned it from a reality show (Rich Girls on MTV maybe?) or a book. At any rate, I always have followed that. I find that those topics can cause for uncomfotable situations. Case in point, a friend of mine who will not be named (this is where I would usually name that person, but I won't) got super pissed when talking about politics when he was the only republican and felt attacked. He then went on to say some rude things and I ALMOST checked his ass, but then I decided to keep it moving.
With that being said, I am going to quickly comment on Sen. McCain's choice in VP. Everyone else seems to be super shocked by the announcement of a woman as his running mate. Me? Please. I was shocked he played it so safe. My choice for him was the lady in the photo to the right. Yes, it's Anissa from MTV's the Real World. I thought she would be perfect to combat Obama's blackness. She is a Black, Jewish, lesbian with a wonk eye. She appeals to everyone that McCain has missed. I have seen her naked numerous times on Real World and her challenge shows so I feel like I'm closer to her. I don't think I'm alone in this feeling. Wouldn't you rather have your homegirl in the White House instead of some broad whose name I am JUST hearing for the first time. I mean really, who the F is she? Does she party? Does she threaten to knock bitches out? Who knows, but I know for sure Anissa does. That's the kinda girl I want in the White House.
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