Friday, September 5, 2008


Last night, I was talking to my friend Max about some dramatical events going on with his friends. So and so is mad at so and so for not being loyal. Blah blah blah. We started talking about what it means to be loyal to a friend and were basically on the same page with it. That is probably why we are good friends and have been so for this long. It's funny that that conversation totally foreshadowed what would happen later on in the night with my friends.
I'm not sure how I ended up at this point in the conversation, but basically I said "Don't be shocked when I stop talking to your ass if you try to hook up with someone that I was hooking up with." Yeah I know that everyone is some body's ex, but I think there are so many other people out there. Years ago, I was talking to someone and they ended up breaking my heart (it was really dramatic, like an episode of "The Hills") and a week or so later Max was like "_____ is cool, and we have so much in it alright if we talk?" At the time I really think Max meant hang out with him, but I didn't care. I blew the fuck up and got all "ring the alarm" on his ass. Out of all the people in the world to befriend, why must you choose the one that broke my heart? To Max's credit, 1.) he asked permission and 2.) he respected my wishes.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I demand people ask for my permission all the time. I sure as hell don't. I had to laugh when someone tried to tell me it was ok to make out with someone. I was like "1.) I do what I want. 2.) We're not friends 3.) please see #1" I try to ask if I think my friend will be hurt. I've even been in the position where my friend has liked someone and they weren't interested in him, but they liked me. Technically this person was fair game for me, but I sat back and thought "how will my friend feel?" and "is this worth possibly hurting my friend?" Had I come to the conclusion that I felt love for this person and thought we'd be the next Bobby and Whitney, I would have had to sit my friend down and tell him how I felt.
This situation can be easily avoided. First, I surround myself with people with drastically different taste than me. That, way there is less temptation. Your friends should be your wingmen, not your competition. Second, I only mess with hoes in different area codes. Haha. No, but seriously, just remember, that bros really should come before hoes. (Unless said "hoe" is a grade A, top of the line, dime...then all bets are off. Every man for themselves!)

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