Monday, September 15, 2008

Trend: Booty Booty Booty Booty

Rockin' everywhere! The new trend for the week is booty! I have come across not one, but two videos on all sorts of random blogs talking about booty and thing that go in it. The first one comes from one of my favourite shows, Lockup. I am uncertain if it's a parody or not, but it looks pretty f'ing official to me. Reason 123712319232-d why my ass is TERRIFIED of going to prison:

Best Quote: "I like booty."

This next clip is of Karrine Steffans, who wrote a book about sucking dick. AND PEOPLE BOUGHT IT?! Really, only in America will a folks buy a book reading about someone else's ho exploits. I guess those checks are running low, so she's using her kitty box once again to gain some attention. She's putting Eddie Winslow (I know that's not his name, but he'll always be Eddie in my heart) on blast!

Best Quote: "I got ass dust in my hair!"
1.) that's not your hair. don't act like you can't detatch it and throw that shit in the washer machine
2.) I'm sure you've had much worse in your hair. Let's be real here. I think we all know this isn't your first time at the rodeo.

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