Fun fact: I don’t think of myself of Beyoncé Stan. Yes, I own all of her albums and have forked over my hard earned coins to see her live on many occasions, but I don’t think I’m on the level of a Stan. I don’t really argue about Beyoncé, even when you hoes try and talk reckless just to get a rise out of me. When y’all go low, I cuss you out in my mind and then Tweet about you later. That’s what Michelle said, right? Anyway.. I feel like stans have an abundance of time, memes, and graphs to support his/her faves. I couldn’t tell you how many singles Bey has sold, or how many Grammy Awards she’s gotten. All I know is that the woman puts out music that I enjoy and consistently entertains me.
So I guess I said all of that, to let you guys know that I am not here as a fan. I can be objective when it comes to Beyoncé. Wanna see? Ok fine, you untrusting ass… I didn’t really enjoy the second disc of I Am.. Sasha Fierce. It bored me and I can’t remember half of the songs on it. See!?
Now that I’ve restored my journalistic integrity, can we PLEASE talk about Beyoncé at the Grammy Awards last night? Last night was the first time anyone would have seen Bey after her Instagram announcement of her pregnancy. What would she do? (EVERYTHING) What would she wear? (the garments fit for a bad bitch) Well Mama Tina came on the screen and I knew shit was about to go down. Beyoncé appeared on a large video screen serving up Oshun realness. Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and prosperity. (I might be missing some things, but feel free to Google--it’s free!) She gave us Black Madonna. There might have been a Hindu reference thrown in there as well. Some people thought it be narcissistic, but I saw it as an important message to women. Somewhere along the line, women have forgotten their place in history as goddesses and Beyoncé is here to remind us all.
Beyond that message, Beyoncé proved that pregnancy isn’t going to stop her. Was she dropping down low and sweeping the floor wit it? Nope. Did she have two dancers help her as she walked down stairs? Ya damned skippy! Somehow she was able to evolve her show from full on, in your face choreography, to one of understated choreography and stunning visuals. Bey had the audience captivated for a smooth 9 minutes and she wasn’t even signing any of her biggest songs off the album.
Ultimately, Beyoncé was once again shut out of Album of the Year, but it’s just a Grammy.. I mean Kanye actually had a point when he called them out of touch. Plus, I think the notion of voting on something like art is kind of odd to begin with. Rihanna is constantly getting snubbed but she doesn’t care. Bitch showed up with a bedazzled flask and enjoyed the free show. She can rest easily knowing she’s selling out arena shows and is one of the most influential artists out right now.
Speaking of influential, let’s bring this back to Beyoncé and the influence she’s had over the past year or so. “Formation” came out and was unapologetically Black. I remember a (White) coworker saying how she didn’t like/understand it, and all I could say is “that’s fine.. It’s not for you”. The video featured Black women of all shades with natural hair and touched on police brutality. Bey was owning her Blackness and empowering us all to do the same. I think Adele put it best last night:
The Lemonade album, Beyoncé, was so monumental, and so well thought out, and so beautiful and soul-bearing. And we all got to see another side of you that you don't always let us see, and we appreciate that. And all us artists adore you. You are our light.
And the way that you make me and my friends feel, the way you make my black friends feel, is empowering, and you make them stand up for themselves. And I love you. I always have. And I always will.
So fuck a Grammy, today I am shining the BHM spotlight on you, Mrs. Knowles-Carter. You could easily stop right now and know that you’ve made a massive impact on this world, but something tells me you’re just getting started. Also, please don’t quit. I need you. Adele needs you. WE. ALL. NEED. YOU.
Please note the bad bitch moment that was reading an acceptance speech off a gold card that matched her outfit completely:
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