I never saw an episode of Baywatch a day in my life. It never really appealed to me. I wasn't really the beach type and couldn't really relate to the stories that I assume they would talk about. I doubt I'm the only Black person to feel this way, as I feel like "Baywatch" wasn't really watched by many Black people. Today I will shine the BHM light on one of the few Black people to appear on the show,Traci Bingham.
To be honest, I was never really a fan of Traci. She always came off as really ditzy. Like my mum always says, "I can't stand a silly bitch" I totally get it. I used to kind of hate that she played into the bimbo thing so well. Why couldn't she stand up as a sexy, SMART woman?! WHY?! I guess that's when I should have known I was gay. When one is watching a Baywatch beauty and can only wonder why she is not living up to her full potential, that may be a good time to question some things.
Moving along. So BHM Spotlight is not about hating or putting down anyone. I have 11 other months to be hateful! Traci Bingham broke new ground. I mean, people STILL to this day are shocked to hear that not only can I swim, but I was on a team. Here Traci is saving white people from drowning in water! Pioneer! Also, she became a sex symbol. She graced the pages of Playboy and was pretty much the chocolate version of Pamela Anderson. To be able to hold her own on a show surrounded by other buxom babes speaks to her ability to spread cocoa curiosity.
Today, I salute sister Bingham and her flotation devices.