Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BHM Day 24: Harlem Shake (The Original One)

Harlem is having a great little run right now. People are talking about it left and right all because of this Harlem Shake craze that has America by the balls. The new Harlem Shake has nothing to do with the original, so I'm not even sure why it's called the Harlem Shake, but whatever. I hope you weren't under the impression that I was going to do a BHM spotlight on a dance that has nothing to do with Harlem. If you were, you are dumb. So dumb. For real.

The original Harlem Shake was started in 1981 and is a dance that people from Harlem do NOT take lightly. I first came across the Harlem Shake when Diddy introduced me to it. Yes, I'm lame. Sorry, that Diddy had to put me up on some new-new, but hey, I'm from the MidWest. Many Harlem Natives are sick and tired of this New Harlem Shake and are out to set the record straight. It's pretty cool seeing some sort of tradition carried on. Plus, these kids are dope as hell. I might have to do my part to bring the original back to it's former glory.

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