So I’ve been obsessing over James Bond for the past two months or so. I gonna go ahead and blame Adele for that one. I’m reading the books, listening to theme songs and I saw “Skyfall” awhile back. In that movie, people were making a big deal about the fact that there was a Black British girl as a Bond girl. Yeah, in 2012. Like seriously?
It’s cool that Noemie got that role and it’s even cooler that she shot James’ ass. I think it’s important to remember that she wasn’t the first and only Black Bond girl. Trina Parks was actually the first, with her appearance as Thumper. She rocked a yellow bikini, flawless skin and an afro while kicking James in his junk. I’m pretty sure Bond learned early on that Black girls don’t PLAY.
Rosie Carver appeared next and actually let James up in her goodie jar. That was pretty important and even had to be edited out before the film was released in South Africa. It was 1973 and people weren’t necessarily ready to see all that swirl action JUST yet. Grace Jones followed in 1985 and was scary as hell. I haven’t seen the film but I saw a still from it and she looks terrifying. Then again, I just am scared on Grace Jones in general, but that’s a different story. Halle Berry got hot and heavy with Bond in 2002.
See, there have been Black women represented in these films. Some see their exclusion as a good thing because Bond girls are usually nothing more than sex toys. I see the inclusion of these women as a good thing as it shows the changing face of America and helps dispel the notion that only Blonde hair, blue eyed women are beautiful. Hell, the Black women have all had natural hair, which is pretty major itself, since often times Black women need to adhere to White ideals of beauty to be considered beautiful.
So today let’s give a shout out to the Black Bond women. They are an amazingly awesome group of bad chicks who have paved the way for other Black actresses in Hollywood. Plus they all look good in swimwear.
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