Thursday, February 7, 2013

BHM Day 6: CPT

This post is kind of funny because it's totally a day late. Sorry, I passed out and forgot to post.

Today’s BHM spotlight goes not on a person, but on a concept. This concept is a stereotype to which, I just so happen to subscribe. What am I talking about? Coloured People Time, or CPT. I want to bring attention to CPT, as I feel like some of my white friends and readers out there could use a lesson in why I am constantly late. Basically CPT refers to Black people having their own clock and being late as hell. It’s known and accepted in the Black community, but doesn’t seem to have much understanding outside of it. Well that ends today! Time to shine the light!

I am late oftentimes for a few reasons. For one, I often misjudge time. Sure it is usually a 20 minute drive to work, BUT If I only have 10 minutes there is a chance that I can catch all greens and drive Tokyo Drift style and have a hope of being on time. False. Not only do I suck at judging time, I also somehow seem to think the planets will ALWAYS align just right so that I can make whatever appointment I have. Additionally, I am late because I like to look fresh to death. I can’t help it. Black people are born with this innate desire to stunt on hoes. Who am I to fight DNA? I could be dressed and ready to leave the house and then all of a sudden decide that I need to wear some new shoes. That of course changes everything and before you know it, I’m late as hell.

I shouldn’t really be speaking for all Black people, but whatever. There’s a lot of things that I shouldn’t do. Sometimes I swim after eating WITHOUT waiting the suggested 30 minutes. I text and walk. I pretty much do whatever I want. Deal with it. I hope that everyone now has a sense of the concept/condition of CPT, Please be a bit more understanding next time a Black person makes you wait. Don’t lecture him/her on time management, just give them a hug and say “I understand my brotha/sista” Ok, maybe don’t do that. Black people also need space, but that might be another BHM post….

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