Today I am shining my BHM light on someone whose contributions to Americans (of all backrounds) has been overlooked for FAR too long. Today credit will be given where it is due. Today, I celebrate Sir Mix-a-lot! Give the man a round of applause!
Why did I choose this rapper? Because I can. That’s why. When will y’all learn?! Beyond that I have chosen Sir Mix-A-Lot because of his contributions to not only music, but the way in which Americans see Black women. Before you start rolling your eyes thinking I’ve lost it, let me explain myself.
“Baby Got Back” was a HUGE song. It went double platinum and even earned a Grammy. That alone is pretty massive. The video featured Sir Mix-A-Lot rapping on a set of ass cheeks, surrounded by women in tight short shorts. On the surface, it didn’t appear to be a song meant to celebrate and empower women. HOWEVER, when one looks deeper and listens to the lyrics, the message of accepting a different kind of beauty shines through. He talks about liking the curves that come so naturally to black women. He tells them not to compare themselves to magazines who tell them that they are fat or undesirable. The man lifts up his Black woman and lets her know that she is loved and seen as an object to be desired. On top of that he promises not to cuss or hit her. What a standup guy! He is totally worthy of the title of “sir” Chris Brown, you will never be as classy as Sir Mix-A-Lot!
I honestly think the crossover success of the song brought booty awareness to mainstream America. I remember when having a “ghetto booty” was seen as a bad thing by white girls. Now they are embracing it and the ones without are poking it out like their back broke. He certainly opened the door for the likes of J. Lo and Nicki Minaj to be seen as bootyful (see what I did there?!)
So now, I hope that America sees what a great service Sir Mix –A-Lot did for not only Black America, but for awesome asses all over the world.
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