Saturday, February 2, 2013

BHM Day 2: Janet Jackson

The SuperBowl is apparently fast approaching. Ok, I can’t even play coy about it! I am super geeked about this whole situation. What team am I rooting for? Slap yourself for even asking me such a question. I kind of stopped caring after the Bears won back in the 80s. I’m pretty much here for the delicious, fattening foods at the viewing parties. Well that, and BEYONCE GISELE KNOWLES-CARTER.

A couple days ago she came out and sang the national anthem live and acapella to shut haters up. It got me thinking about the original lip synching pop diva who was changing the game when Bey was still having her diapers changed. I speak of Janet Damita Jo (Country as hell, right?) Jackson. Feel free to call her Miss Jackson, if you’re nasty. Janet really helped redefine pop music and what it meant to be a performer. She gave amazing shows and videos. Sure her voice isn’t the greatest, but she could dance her ass off and make you angry at yourself for blinking and missing any part of her show. I think it’s safe to say that without Janet the music scene wouldn’t be the same. The Beyonces, RIhannas and Ciaras (one of these things is NOT like the others) wouldn’t exist in the same capacity.

I was watching Beyonce talk about how she studied tapes of Halftime performers before her. She brought up greats like Madonna, Prince, Diana Ross and MJ but she causally skipped over Janet. Did she watch that show? You bet your phony pony she did. Beyonce has clearly been influenced by Janet, but she was trying to distance herself from Tittygate. Minus the nipple baring and the backlash that ensued, the performance was pretty great. I feel like flashing your boob is a last ditch resort(See: Courtney Love) and totally not needed for such a talent. Janet got banned from MTV and her career never quite recovered. Sad, as she kind of ended her career as a major musician on a sour note. One nipple undid Rhythm Nation and If. I won’t let people forget your greatness Janet. I got chu!

Here’s to Janet and her magnificent boob for paving the way for Beyonce to perform tomorrow.

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