Thursday, February 16, 2012

BHM Day 15: Like a Prayer Video

Yes, I know Madonna isn't exactly black but she is down with Black people. If you need photographic proof, just google Madonna and Big Daddy Kane. You'll come across a picture of Madonna, Naomi Campbell and Big Daddy Kane all naked and getting freaky. Clearly Madonna is at home being the creamy filling in a freak sandwich. Live ya life, whore!

Today's post isn't about that. I am talking about her video for 'Like a Prayer' IT was controversial for a bunch of reasons:

1.) Madonna bopping around in front of burning crosses

2.) Madonna is getting freaky with a Saint who is *gasp* BLACK

3.) Various religious references like stigmata and such

I praise the video for Madonna tackling interracial love. She was an early adopter of cocoa curiosity and earned her certification waaay before it became accepted. On top of that, she introduced us to the Martin de Porres, the saint of mixed raced people and people wanting interracial harmony. I didn't even know he existed! Bet you didn't either. The video also just deals with racism in general. I like the fact that a White pop star who didn't NEED to address it (and ended up offending so many people when she brought it to their attention) chose to do so. Granted, her methods were a bit extreme and in your face, but that's Madonna for you.

I think the best part of this video was the Black choir. It showcased them to people in flat states who were maybe completely unaware of how awesome black church choirs are. I grew up going to a predominantly white church so I have always had a fascination with Black choirs. I think they make everything better. In fact I want one at my wedding. And at my 50 birthday. Hell, I want them to act as my alarm clock to wake me on on the daily. (how great would that be, seriously?)

Ok, I got swept up in the feeling. I'm back. Today let's shine our BHM spotlight on a video by a non Black artist that still did so much to create dialogue (and a few acting/singing gigs too) that ultimately helped Black people.

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