Thursday, February 23, 2012

BHM Day 23: Josephine Baker

I don't think the world understands this but I'm here to let you know that Josephine Baker was a bad bitch. She was born in the Lou (like Nelly) but rose to fame in France. She was suffering from Kelly Rowland syndrome (not loved in the US, but appreciated in Europe) before Kelly was even born! She played a role in the French Resistance during WWII and was so big in the Civil Rights movement that Coretta Scott King asked her to be the leader after MLK was assassinated. She replied "hell to the naw, my kids aren't ready to be orphans!" Ok, I exaggerated and that quote is kind of bogus because I made it up, but that's basically what she said.

Ms. Baker was bisexual before it was cool. She used her sex appeal and was known as being an awesome entertainer. Basically she was Beyonce of her day. Well, if Beyonce was helping resist the Nazis and helping to give Blacks rights. I mean they both can shake a tail feather and whatnot, but maybe not such a good comparison now that I think of it. Whatever. Anyway, I think she is totally worthy of the BHM spotlight today and every day. She was doing things way back when that are still inspiring performers today. Did y'all peep the Bey- phony pony? Get into it!

Here's a parting shot:


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