Thursday, February 9, 2012

BHM Day 9: Queen Latifah

Today we are going to shine the BHM spotlight on Queen Latifah. I have always liked her. I remember when I first heard U.N.I.T.Y (whichch I used to think was "you an I.T.Y., which totally confused me as I had no idea what the fuck and I.T.Y is) and thought that it was interesting seeing a female MC who was kind of like one of the boys. She wore pants, rode motorcycles and didn't rap about her coochie. (lesbi clue #1)

She went on to go into acting and starred in the movie "Set it Off" which I never saw, but heard she was really convincing as Cleo, a hard lesbian who didn't take shit from no one. (lesbi clue #2) She had "Living Single" which had a successful run. I actually DID see that show and liked it a lot. It didn't feel like she was trying to hard and it made me like her even more. She earned herself a spot on the list of celebrities Ian would like to hang out with. Congrats, girl! She gained acclaim for her role in "Chicago" which I resisted seeing, but saw recently. It was decent. She did well in it.

Pretty much I think the woman is amazing. She is musically talented. She acts. She is business minded. Hell, she's even a Covergirl. Latifah launched her own line for CG that catered to people of colour. She did all that while staying true to herself and keeping things authentic. She has always had the rumours of being a lesbian surrounding her. I never really cared either way but was happy to see her stepping out and being comfortable. Plus I think she can serve as a positive role model to people from all paths of life.

Enjoy a throwback from an original QUEEN:

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