Monday, February 20, 2012

BHM Day 19: Muhammed Ali

So today, Muhamed Ali turned 70. Damn. This man did so much in his career and is such an inspiration to many that I felt it only right to make him today's choice for the BHM spotlight.

Now before I go on, I must say that I know nothing about boxing. I just know two dudes get into a ring and beat up on each other senseless. However, I do know that Ali was great. I mean, I've seen clips of him fighting and my heart goes out to his opponents. He was bad! Plus the good thing about him is that he knew he was bad. He could smack talk like no other. His ability to back up his claims is probably what helped make him the greatest. Plus, he never had to bite anyone's ear off.

In addition to knocking mofos out, Ali was political. He refused to go to Vietnam to fight a war he didn't support. According to him, no Viet Cong ever called him nigger, so he had no issue with them. That comment alone was enough to sum up so much of what was going on in America at the time. Here we were, going to war that so many opposed while back at home, Blacks weren't treated as equals and people weren't trying to talk about it.

So to brotha Ali, I say thank you. Thanks for being so badass. Thanks for being a voice when your people needed one. Thanks for being the greatest.

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